
Introducing Buyer-Led M&A Masterclass

Introducing the Buyer-Led M&A Masterclass: a game-changing new course from the M&A Science Academy designed to empower practitioners to take control of the M&A process. 

Traditional banker-led approaches to M&A are often reactive, inefficient, and restrictive. Buyer-led M&A shifts the power dynamics, putting the buyer in the driver’s seat. This series of courses will equip you with the knowledge and tools to confidently implement Buyer-Led Strategies in your M&A practice. 

Not convinced yet? Watch the 8-minute introductory lesson, where Kison Patel, Founder and CEO of DealRoom and M&A Science, will guide you through the five pillars of the Buyer-Led M&A Framework. 

In this session, you will learn:

  • How Buyer-Led M&A can impact your deal strategy 
  • The five pillars of the Buyer-Led M&A Framework  
  • Upcoming live and on-demand learning opportunities for Buyer-Led M&A

Fill out the form to watch the introductory video, or go to the M&A Science Academy to access the full course.