Dr. Karl-Michael Popp

Dr. Karl-Michael Popp

Senior Director Corporate Strategy and Corporate Development at SAP

Dr Karl-Michael Popp, an advisor, speaker and author of books. He is the Senior Director Corporate Strategy and Corporate Development at SAP. In his career, he successfully analysed, worked with and managed the relationship with over 120 software companies in OEM, resell relationships as well as over 30 successful mergers and acquisitions incl. merger integration in the US, Canada, Germany, Norway, Poland, Italy, Vietnam and the UK.


Automation in M&A

In today's digital era, the pervasive influence of technology is felt in every facet of business, and Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A) are no different. The arrival of innovation and automation will soon make their way to the industry, streamlining processes that could bolster productivity and facilitate smoother post-merger integration. In this interview, Dr. Karl Michael Popp, Senior Director, Corporate Development at SAP, discusses automation in M&A.

Dr. Karl-Michael Popp
Senior Director Corporate Strategy and Corporate Development at SAP
18 Dec

The Future of M&A

During this webinar, you will learn how M&A could be automated, specifically with machine learning in data rooms, the future of tech development, and about the importance of transparency in which tools already have advanced automation

Dr. Karl-Michael Popp
Senior Director Corporate Strategy and Corporate Development at SAP
15 Jun


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