Courses / 

The Big Ticket Items Impacting Valuation Today

This course is a panel discussion about the big-ticket items impacting valuations. Hear from Utkarsh Bhagat, Jason Jodoin, Amr Abdelaziz, and Jacquelyn Marsac, all of who come from different mergers and acquisitions backgrounds.

What you’ll learn

  • Top 3 Things that are Impacting Value Today
  • Specific Buyer Behavior that Makes Determining Valuation Easier
  • The Impact of Seller Due Diligence on Valuation
  • How to Value a Company with Negative Historical Cash Flows, but a Rationale Product Market Fit

Course content

Panel Guests Introduction

Today's Market and the Impact on Valuation

How a Target's Security Posture Impacts Valuation

When the Seller's Asset Assessment Does Not Match the Buyer's Assessment

What to Look for in a Buyer

Unwinding the Paycheck Protection Program from the Balance Sheet Before Selling

Who is this course for

This course is for those interested in learning more about how valuation is determined such as the impact of the buyer's and seller's behavior on valuation.


Jason Jodoin
Director - Technology Operations / M&A
Jacquelyn Marsac
Managing Director - VRC
Utkarsh Bhagat
Corporate Development and M&A Manager
Amr Abdelaziz
Senior Director - Global M&A & Strategy Finance at Equinix

Jason Jodoin: Director, Technology Operations / M&A Jacquelyn Obert Marsac: Managing DirectorManaging Director VRC (Valuation Research Corporation) Utkarsh Bhagat: Corporate Development and M&A Manager Amr Abdelaziz: Senior Director - Global M&A & Strategy Finance at Equinix


Upon completion, members will received a "The Big Ticket Items Impacting Valuation Today" course badge.

Have any questions?

What is the M&A Science Academy?

The M&A Science Academy is an online-platform where you can access courses taught by M&A professionals. The courses cover a wide variety of M&A topics such as integration, divestitures, due diligence, management styles, and more.

The M&A Science Academy includes courses from M&A experts who are eager to share their stories, failures, and successes.

Our goal is to provide users with knowledge from industry practitioners that can be applied to their own practices.

Where can I watch the courses?

All courses are available 24/7 on the M&A Science Thinkific page.

Which courses are right for me?

The M&A Science Academy courses were created to cover a range of topics based upon common M&A challenges. We are going to be adding new content regularly so feel free to explore new areas!