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December 22, 2022

Ever wonder how to transition roles in M&A? In this article, Kerry Perez, Head of Enterprise Strategy at AMN Healthcare, discusses her M&A career path and how to transition roles in M&A, during which she experienced a variety of roles. 

"The company needs to help you develop, but you also need to be in charge of your career. You have to steer your own ship." - Kerry Perez

Transitioning roles in M&A

Kerry started her career at entry-level sales in AMN and spent most of her time in marketing. Due to her eagerness to get involved in special projects, she was able to take part in an integration as a marketing representative and helped integrate their marketing functions. After a couple of different integration experiences, she was given an opportunity to lead an integration.  

From there, AMN chose her to establish a diligence and integration management office to improve their M&A process further. During her time there, she constantly honed her strategy skills, which opened the door to her current position. 

Observe, try, and leap

According to Kerry, she owes her career to her three-step process: observe first, try, and take a leap of faith.

  1. Observe - Always be in a constant state of learning. Observe how your peers accomplish tasks, and don't be afraid to ask questions. Self-education is necessary.
  1. Try - Be comfortable with being uncomfortable. Be willing to try new things and always test the limits of your abilities. Grab opportunities as they present themselves.
  1. Leap - Be willing to switch roles and take on a new journey. Have the courage to take that leap even without formal training. Experience is still the best teacher. 

Carve your own path

While the organization's culture helps, everyone should be responsible for taking control of their career. There are three things that everyone can do to help them progress in their career:

  1. Seek mentorship - Don't hesitate to find mentors and initiate the conversation. Bring them something they can help with, and start learning from them. 
  1. Self-educate - Read books, listen to webinars, or interview folks in the industry. Be proactive in learning, as it will help in career development.   
  2. Create your network - Learn to cultivate relationships with the people you meet. Don't network when you need something. Instead, be willing to help people in need to foster a more organic connection. Keep in constant communication; it could be as simple as commenting on the Linkedin post.
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