

I want to sincerely thank all of the industry leaders and innovators who contributed their endless knowledge, feedback, and resources to the creation of this book. Their guidance enabled me to create a truly actionable piece of industry literature. Naturally, our approach to this book was Agile, as we evaluated, tested, and iterated on these theories to a painstaking degree. With that being said, I hope you gain as much from this book as I did in its production.

Jake Winchester
Eugene Lai
Alix Jean Vollum
Abigail Hart
Allisha Lopshire
Jamis Harris
Greg Born
Christina Amiry
Chris Hecht
Ben de Haldevang
David Boyd
Toby Tester
Richard Kasperowski

Many of the quotes referenced throughout this book were extracted from M&A Science interviews. M&A Science is an educational podcast I host exploring the intricate world of M&A with industry leaders and practitioners. M&A Science is a great resource for additional thought-leadership, M&A trends, and lessons-learned. The podcast can be found on all major streaming platforms.