The M&A Science Podcast

Brought to you by DealRoom
Hosted by Kison Patel

Featuring guests from leading companies

Learn from leading M&A practitioners

Join Kison Patel, Founder and CEO of DealRoom and Chief Scientist at M&A Science for weekly episodes where he explores the complex world of M&A with industry leaders and practitioners. Here's to the deal.

The Art of Executing Programmatic M&A
"Don’t try to have a perfect world; it doesn't exist. There's always time, effort, and costs. Optimize what's working for your organization to gain a strategic advantage and increase profitability, especially when acquiring businesses."
Tom Hearn
VP, Architecture at Insight
"You’ll always be surprised with new deals. Nothing will prepare you for new situations in unfamiliar countries, but your experience in adapting and anticipating complexities helps. This gives you the confidence that, while you'll be surprised, you won't be overwhelmed."
Pablo von Siebenthal
Global Head of M&A at Swissport
“The voice of customers should be the most important input into your strategy, focusing on their demands, pain points, and needs.”
Wolfgang Schenk
VP of M&A at Belden

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All Authors
Aaron Whiting
Abhik Jain
Ablorde Ashigbi
Adam Coffey
Adam Coffey
Adam Harris
Ailene Holderness
Ajit Sane
Al Ansari
Alexander Baum
Alexi Venneri
Allan Marks
Allen Gilmer
Amr Abdelaziz
Amy Gannaway
Amy M. Weck
Andrew Bilbao
Andrew Gratz
Andrew Jordan
Andrew Morbitzer
Andrew Whitcomb
Andrey Galiuk
Andy Wijaya
Anirvan Sen
Anish K. Mitra
Anthony Krueger
Armando Biondi
Ashley Rice
Atul Tiwary
Austin Woody
Baljit Singh
Bani Bedi
Barak Routhenstein
Ben Sutton
Ben de Haldevang
Benjamin Orthlieb
Bill Clarkin
Birgitta Elfversson
Brent Baxter
Brent Campbell
Brett Shawn
Brian Buchert
Brian Hamilton
Brian Matthews
Briana Elkington
Brock Blake
Bruce Bowden
Caleb Shafer
Cameron Weiner
Camilo Franco
Cara Bibbiani
Carlos Cesta
Caroline Jones
Casey Nault
Charles Breed
Charles Sapnas
ChatGPT Voice, powered by OpenAI
Chris Cappetta
Chris Evans
Chris Hecht
Chris Mellen
Chris Weaver
Christian von Bogdandy
Christina Amiry
Christina Ungaro
Christopher Vollmond-Carstens
Ciprian Stan
Clayton Stanley
Clifford Felig
Cole Breidenbach
Dan Menge
Daniel Burseth
Daniel Gittsovich
Darrell Heaps
Darren Lampert
Darshan Mehta
David Barnes
David Boyd
David Hindley
David Olsson
Dawn White
Dev Sirur
Devorah Bertucci
Don Scales
Don Yakulis
Doretta Mistras
Douglas Barnard
Dr. Irit Yaniv
Dr. Karl-Michael Popp
Duncan Painter
Dustin Delewski
Dustin Intihar
Edward Hamilton
Eero Pikat
Elena Sidelnikova
Elizabeth Buck
Elizabeth O'Keefe
Emma Barton
Erik Levy
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